KIND Los Angeles Staff Vote to Unionize

On Friday, August 14, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific, the National Labor Relations Board counted the mail ballots received by eligible voters from KIND’s Los Angeles…...

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Leading Children’s Organizations Call for Immediate Release of Children Together With Their Families

On July 7, KIND, SCAN, UNICEF USA, and the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights sent a letter to ICE Acting Director Matthew Albence requesting…...

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KIND Releases Report Detailing the Ongoing Practice of Separating Children from Their Parents as They Seek Asylum

This Friday is the deadline for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to comply with a court order to release children from family immigration detention in…...

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Presidents Trump and López Obrador Must Prioritize the Safety of Migrant Children

When presidents Trump and López Obrador meet to discuss the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, KIND urges the leaders to discuss ways…...

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DHS Detention Threat Heightens Family Separation Concerns

In response to Acting Department of Homeland Secretary Chad Wolf’s television statement today that there are no plans to release immigrants in detention, including children,…...

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Federal Court Ruling Eviscerates Trump Transit Bar

Today in response to a President Trump-appointed federal judge’s ruling that the Trump Administration illegally attempted to add a bar to asylum without following legally…...

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Trump Administration Ordered to Release Immigrant Children from ICE Detention

In response to Federal Judge Dolly Gee’s ruling that the Trump Administration must release immigrant children being detained with their parents in U.S. immigration detention…...

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Court Ruling Signals Problems for Trump’s Summary Expulsions of Children

Today in response to a Trump-appointed federal judge ruling that prohibits the summary deportation of a Honduran child under Title 42 protocols, Kids in Need…...

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Supreme Court Delivers Blow to Trump Administration's DACA Policy

Today in response to the United States Supreme Court 5-4 ruling to reverse President Trump’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,…...

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