Last Updated:  July 2024


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1. Introduction

KIND, Inc. (“KIND,” “we,” “us”), a U.S.-based, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and organized under the laws of the District of Columbia, aims to serve as the leading organization for the protection of unaccompanied immigrant and refugee children on the move in search of safety. KIND is reachable at or +1 (202) 824-8680.

KIND is committed to respecting individual privacy and securing the personal information we collect. The purpose of this Privacy Policy (“policy”) is to inform you what personal information we collect from you, how we use your information, with whom we share it, and the choices that you have regarding our use of your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect about you through our website, or by other means, such as when you sign up to receive our newsletter or to attend events, sign online petitions, make a donation to KIND, or agree to take a pro bono case or project referred by KIND. When you use our website or otherwise provide us with information about you, you are consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Collecting Information about You

a. Categories and Types of Personal Information We Collect

Providing personal information to us is your choice. When you take a certain action on our website such as signing up for our newsletter, signing our petitions, registering for an event, or donating to KIND, we collect certain personal information based on the action you took.  Below is a list of the types of information we collect:

  • Contact information: your first and last name, postal address, email address, phone number, title, and/or organization affiliation.
  • Donor data information: history of giving to KIND, list of individual gifts including amount, date, specified fund, and/or any notes corresponding to specific gifts (e.g. if gift was in honor of someone, if donor included a comment when they made their gift, if gift was made via individual’s donor advised fund). KIND does not store any financial information of our donors.
  • Geolocation data.

We also collect personal data from others, such as nonprofit data cooperatives. For more information on data cooperatives, please see section 6.

b. Pro Bono Attorneys and Volunteers

Attorneys and volunteers who take a pro bono case or project from KIND will be added to our case management database, Legal Server. Below are the types of information collected about you for this purpose:

  • Contact information: your first and last name, work address, work email address, work phone numbers, title, and organization affiliation;
  • Language(s) spoken; and
  • Pro bono case(s) that you are assigned to and relevant case information.

No sensitive personal data related to the attorneys or volunteers will be collected.

We also collect email addresses of attorneys and other volunteers to send them communications from KIND (subject to their explicit and specific consent in the European Union) from our e-mail marketing platform, Engaging Networks. More details about these communications are outlined in the Section “Purpose of collecting your data.”

3. Purpose of Collecting Your Data

The personal information we collect is for the purpose of communicating with you about KIND’s work in the United States and globally.  The main goal of our e-mail and SMS (Short Message Service) text communications is to share program updates about the direct work the organization is doing on the ground to help protect unaccompanied immigrant and refugee children.  Here is a list of the types of communications we send:

  • Newsletters about our program work
  • Invitations to events, locally and globally
  • Information about fundraising opportunities
  • Policy action alerts to ensure the protection of children

When we collect and use your personal information, we rely on various legal bases set out in the applicable legislation (e.g. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) in the EU). These include your consent, which you may withdraw at any time by contacting us as indicated below. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

We also process your personal data when necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interests (i.e. protection of unaccompanied immigrant and refugee children), compliance with legal obligations or where needed for the negotiation, execution or performance of a contract with you.

4. Cookies and Other Technology

Aside from the personal information that you disclose to us for a specific purpose, KIND also collects information about your browsing behavior when you visit our website, using cookies and other tracking technologies. Cookies are data text files that a website transfers to a visitor’s computer for record-keeping purposes.  Cookies allow us to facilitate and customize your visit by saving your preferences while tracking information about your visit to our website.

KIND uses Google Analytics on our website to collect usage data, to analyze how users use our website and interact with our information. Typical analytics we examine are bounce rate, click through rate, resource library downloads, and audience location. For more information about how to opt out of having your information used visit Google Analytics.

In addition, KIND uses a service provider to place cookies on our website users’ browsers so that those users’ devices (computers, mobile phones, tablets) can be recognized when a user accesses other websites.  That provides us with an opportunity to remind the user about KIND, its work, and the support we need to continue that work, by serving content (images, videos, etc.) on the other website, including solicitations for donations to KIND.

You can revoke your consent any time using the “revoke consent” button here.

5. Who within KIND Has Access to Your Personal Information?

Within KIND, we limit access to your personal information to those KIND staff members who have a need to view or use it. For example, KIND will use your personal information to communicate with you on KIND matters, and therefore the information may be accessed by a KIND staff member from the Communication or Development teams.  If you would like to contact members of either of those teams, please reach out to them by email at

6. With Whom Does KIND Share Your Personal Information?

a. Service Providers

KIND shares certain personal information with our service providers so that they may assist us in fulfilling KIND’s objectives.  For example, KIND may share your contact information with our service provider Engaging Networks, which we use for all our e-mail marketing, as well as for emailed newsletters, donor e-mail updates and appeals, fundraising and donation forms, online petitions and advocacy efforts, and event invitations.  KIND uses Salesforce to store all donor data and personal information.  KIND, Inc. does not store any payment information of our donors on our own network or on third party networks or servers, including Blackbaud.

We use Legal Server for all our case management database collection.  Legal Server is used solely for the collection of information of our pro bono attorneys and clients.

If you would like more information on the privacy policies of these third-party service providers, please click below:

Engaging Networks  |  SalesforceLegal Server

b. Acquirers or Assignees

In the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of KIND or its assets, we may transfer the personal information we collect to the proposed or actual acquiring party or assignee.

c. Entities Entitled under Law

We may disclose personal information as we believe to be appropriate in the following circumstances: (i) when required by applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (ii) to comply with legal process; (iii) to respond to requests from public and government authorities; (iv) to enforce the terms and conditions for use of our website and this Policy; (v) to protect and defend our rights and property; (vi) to protect the interests of KIND or others; and (vii) to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.  We have no obligation to notify you of such disclosures, except as required by applicable law.

KIND does not share personal information with any third parties for such parties’ own marketing purposes.

d. Social Media

If you upload content to a social network, your account is public, and you tag KIND @supportkind, your submission will be subject to that website’s terms of use and privacy policy. You are also giving permission for KIND to share this information on our social media networks.

e. Data Cooperatives for Nonprofits

KIND participates in nonprofit data cooperatives. Data cooperatives are membership-based services offered by vendors that enable cooperative members to pool personal information about their respective supporters. This allows cooperative members to model and identify new prospective supporters and/or deepen engagement with existing supporters.

As part of KIND’s participation in data cooperatives, occasionally, we exchange or rent mail lists to like-minded organizations through bonded third-party data cooperative vendors. These lists may contain select pieces of your personal information—for example, donation history. We share this information with data cooperative vendors in exchange for the ability to contact new prospective KIND supporters and/or modeled information about existing KIND supporters who also support other cooperative member nonprofits (e.g., likelihood to become a monthly donor to KIND). This practice of sharing supporters’ personal information with and through a data cooperative is a longstanding nonprofit practice that enables nonprofits to maintain a stronger supporter base—while lowering costs—by targeting communications to individuals who are most likely to be interested in hearing from them.

KIND never—under any circumstances—releases information pertaining to current KIND board members, major donors, and institutional funders to external entities for the purpose of list rentals or exchanges.

Should you not wish KIND and/or its data cooperative vendors to share or sell your information to other organizations, you may opt out at any time by emailing us at

7. How Long Does KIND Store Your Data?

We will retain your personal data as long as it is required for our legal reporting obligations, financial forecasting and planning, managing our subscribers list, and managing our supporters.

8. Security

KIND takes the protection and privacy of your data very seriously.  Through our third-party service vendor, Salesforce, their security, privacy, and risk-management teams work to protect the safety of your data by adhering to industry standard practices, conducting ongoing risk assessments, aggressively testing the security of our products, and continually assessing our infrastructure. More information can be found here.

9. Opting out of E-mail Marketing, Direct Mail, and SMS Messages

Users who provide an email address and/or donate via KIND’s website and opt in to receive email communications from KIND may receive our e-newsletter and other email updates about our work. We occasionally also communicate via direct mail. Each commercial email sent by KIND includes an option to remove your contact information from the mailing list. To unsubscribe from SMS updates, text STOP to 90594.

You may also opt out of e-mail and SMS messages by logging into the supporter hub website or by sending an email to  If you would like to opt out of receiving direct mail from KIND, please email

10. Notification of Changes

We will revise or update this Policy if our practices change, or as we develop better ways to keep you informed about them. Changes to the Policy will apply from the date they are posted on our site and shall not apply retroactively without your explicit consent. Your use of our website after the Policy is updated constitutes acceptance of the updated Policy terms, so please review the Policy periodically to be sure you are informed of its terms.

11. Data Transfer from the European Economic Area to the U.S.

By directly signing up for our newsletter, online petitions, or events, or by donating online, you are consenting to the transfer of your personal data to the U.S. for purposes of communicating with KIND. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us as indicated below. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

12. Rights Granted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are located within the European Economic Area, you may have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal information.
  • Request correction of your personal information (should your personal information be inaccurate, incomplete, or obsolete).
  • Request deletion of your personal information.
  • Withdraw your consent to processing (where we processed personal information on the basis of your consent). Please note that withdrawing your consent applies only to future processing activities.
  • Object to the processing of your personal information.
  • Request restrictions on the processing of your personal information.
  • Request the transfer of your personal information to you or a third party in a portable format.

To contact us and/or to exercise any of the above rights, or if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or this Policy, please contact us at

If you feel that we have failed to comply with your request or have not addressed a complaint that you have, you may also have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection or other regulatory authority in your jurisdiction.

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