KIND’s Washington, DC Field Office 2020 Update

October 20, 2020

KIND’s DC field office serves 620 children living in the DC metro region. The office serves primarily Spanish-speaking clients living in both urban and rural…

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KIND’s Seattle Field Office 2020 Update

October 20, 2020

KIND’s Seattle office serves all of the children in the Office of Refugee Resettlement-Department of Children Services custody in Washington State. The office continues to…

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KIND’s Baltimore Field Office 2020 Update

October 20, 2020

KIND’s Baltimore office serves child clients primarily from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras – countries with some of the highest murder rates in the world.…

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KIND’s Atlanta Field Office 2020 Update

October 20, 2020

KIND’s Atlanta office continues to build its network of partner organizations throughout the state, resulting in numerous client referrals throughout 2020. Federal government offices are…

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Voices That Matter Most - Fact Sheet

September 29, 2020

KIND clients overcome great hardship in their journey to find safety in the United States. Through workshops, trainings, and mentorships, KIND clients learn communications skills,…

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European Initiative Fact Sheet

May 13, 2020

Through its new European Initiative, KIND will help unaccompanied children in Europe access free legal assistance, using its more than 10 years of success in…

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Family Separation: Two Years Later

May 7, 2020

It has been two years since the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy issued on May 7, 2018 that forcibly separated immigrant and refugee parents and…

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116th Congress Key Bills & Policies Tracker

December 17, 2019

Learn more about bills and policies introduced in the 116th Congress that could affect immigrant and refugee children and their families as well as how…

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Asylum Cooperative Agreements Fact Sheet

November 25, 2019

From July to October of 2019, the U.S. signed “asylum cooperative agreements” with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras (“the Northern Triangle countries”) that would allow the U.S. to send…

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