KIND Applauds Senate Funding to Address SGBV as a Root Cause of Migration from Central America

Recommended funding will help expand sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention programming, support services, and resources for survivors....

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KIND Applauds Introduction of the Central America Family Protection and Reunification Act

Bill seeks to immediately reunite families who were cruelly separated under Trump administration policies....

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Trump Executive Order = Indefinite Detention of Immigrant Children and Their Families in Jail-like Conditions

Order leaves “zero tolerance” policy intact and could eliminate all standards governing the holding of immigrant children in custody....

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Press Call: Update on Trump’s Executive Order

Experts: Executive Order is no solution: trades one abhorrent policy for another....

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Immigration Bills Will Imperil Lives of Immigrant Children and Asylum Seekers

Bills would decimate protections for unaccompanied children, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable immigrants and refugees....

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Attorney General's Decision on Matter of A-B Will Block Victims of Sexual Violence from Protection

Decision casts aside years of settled case law and shows disregard for protection from sexual and-gender based violence....

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KIND Applauds Senator Feinstein’s Bill to End Family Separation

Bill will limit the government from taking children from their parents at the U.S. border....

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HHS Bedspace Shortage for Unaccompanied Children: A Self-Made Crisis

Family separation is needlessly and cruelly creating more unaccompanied children in U.S. immigration system....

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Administration’s “Zero Tolerance” Policy: De Facto Family Separation

New policy of referring adults crossing border for criminal prosecution results in children being forcibly taken from parents....

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