Recommendations for the Biden Taskforce to Address Family Separation and Reunify Families

November 18, 2020

In 2018, the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance policy forcibly separated more than 2,800 children from their parents--and shocked the nation’s conscience. These separations, and the…

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The Biden-Harris Administration Must Resume Reception of Unaccompanied Children

November 13, 2020

As detailed below, in response to the Trump administration’s politically motivated CDC order invoking Title 42 and the illegal expulsions of unaccompanied children and asylum…

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Sending Children Back to Danger

October 8, 2020

Since March 2020, the U.S. government has turned away over 10,000 immigrant children at the border, denying them any opportunity to seek protection in the…

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Expulsions at the U.S.-MX Border: Sending Children Back to Danger

July 13, 2020

Since March, thousands of unaccompanied children, and tens of thousands more asylum seekers, have been expelled from the border, denying them any opportunity to seek…

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Congress Should Fund the USCIS Shortfall While Ensuring Accountability

July 7, 2020

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is currently running a shortfall in its annual operating budget of an estimated $1.2 billion. Officials with the fee-funded…

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What is Happening to Children from Mexico & Central America

July 1, 2020

U.S. law has special protections to keep children traveling alone safe, and to protect them from human trafficking and return to danger. Since March 20th,…

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Mapping the Cruelty

June 16, 2020

Since March 2020, often under the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump Administration has dramatically escalated its attacks on the legal protections and family…

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Briefing Paper and Key Recommendations Concerning Measures at EU Borders for Unaccompanied Children

May 28, 2020

Child Circle and Kids in Need of Defense (“KIND”) share a summary of core recommendations below on what measures should be in place at the…

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Why the U.S. Must Halt Deportations and Expulsions During COVID-19

May 21, 2020

U.S. deportation and expulsion practices are recklessly exposing an entire region to increased risk of COVID-19. Since the onset of the pandemic, even as it…

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