Recommendations for the Biden Taskforce to Address Family Separation and Reunify Families

November 18, 2020

Recommendations for the Biden Taskforce

Address Family Separation and Reunify Families

In 2018, the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance policy forcibly separated more than 2,800 children from their parents–and shocked the nation’s conscience. These separations, and the thousands more that occurred before and after the policy’s end and that continue to date, have caused lifelong trauma and placed children and their family members in harm’s way. Parents of more than 600 children have yet to be reached by a court-created Steering Committee charged with accounting for these families—a stark reminder of the Trump Administration’s staggeringly cruel and haphazard policies, and of the urgent work that lies ahead to address the wrongs done and to ensure they never happen again.

In its first days, the Biden Administration must act immediately to protect families impacted by the government’s devastating family separation policies and to prevent future harm.

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