Policy Recommendations to Improve Protections for Migrant Children in Mexico

May 5, 2021

In 2020, KIND expanded into Mexico and began work on protecting the rights of migrant children on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Informed by…

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Recommendations for a Root Causes Strategy

April 27, 2021

As the nation’s leading organization advocating for the rights of unaccompanied migrant and refugee children, KIND provides pro bono legal representation for over 5,000 unaccompanied…

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Emergency Intake Sites for Unaccompanied Children

April 27, 2021

To ensure shelter and care for the large numbers of unaccompanied children who have recently arrived at the U.S. southern border, the Biden administration has…

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KIND Endorses Senator Gillibrand’s FAIR Proceedings Act of 2021 And Urges Senators to Cosponsor

March 23, 2021

Unaccompanied children, many of whom have fled dangers that include extreme violence and sexual exploitation, are among the world’s most vulnerable groups. Legal counsel is…

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Trauma, Grief, and Loss (TGL) Services for Californian Adolescents

February 23, 2021

Trauma, grief, and loss (TGL) services for Californian adolescents are needed now more than ever. It is crucial for students’ well-being, long-term health, and educational…

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Briefing Paper and Key Recommendations on making proposed EU measures concerning migrant children at the EU external border more child-centered and child-sensitive

February 23, 2021

The goal of this paper is: to review more closely the issues that arise for children at the EU external borders, to identify challenges which…

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"Rocket" NTA Filings for Unaccompanied Children: A Waste of Government Resources and Denial of Due Process

January 21, 2021

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s ongoing practice of filing Notices to Appear (NTAs) with the local immigration court for unaccompanied children within days of their…

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Top 5 things the Biden Administration can do in the first 100 Days

December 8, 2020

Top 5 things the Biden Administration can do in the first 100 days to improve protections for unaccompanied children.

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Timeline: How the Trump Administration is Rolling Back Protections

December 1, 2020

The Trump Administration has taken deliberate steps to roll back protections for unaccompanied minors and refugee children, and is working towards numerous other actions that…

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