Young boy sits on top of father's shoulder as father tightly embraces son at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Impact of the Asylum Ban on Children Seeking Safety in the United States

May 26, 2023

The Impact of the Asylum Ban on Children: The Biden Administration has implemented a new border policy that imposes severe restrictions on the ability of…

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Keeping kids safe common definitions pdf image

Children on the Move: A Guide to Common Definitions and Terms

May 5, 2023

Legal definitions of a child and related terms may vary across domestic and international law and may also differ from the phrases used to describe…

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Refugee children fleeing Ukraine are given blankets by Slovakian rescue workers to keep warm at the Velke Slemence border crossing on March 09, 2022.

One Year of the War in Ukraine: Expanding KIND’s Work Helping Unaccompanied and Separated Children from Ukraine

February 24, 2023

In the year since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, two out of three children from Ukraine have been displaced from their homes. More…

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Vulnerable Youth Guardianship Protection Amendment Act

December 12, 2022

Currently, DC and federal law are misaligned in a way that harms vulnerable immigrant youth aged 18 up to 21 living in DC. Existing federal…

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Fact Sheet on KIND’s Work in Mexico

October 27, 2022

In recognition that migrant children who are unaccompanied, separated, or at risk of separation need protection from the moment they leave their homes, throughout their…

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Young Afghan girl it floral top looks directly at camera

Rising to the Challenge: Protecting and Addressing the Trauma of Unaccompanied Afghan Children

August 25, 2022

In August 2021, as the Taliban took over the government of Afghanistan, the United States raced against the clock to relocate our Afghan allies to…

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Return and Reintegration of Unaccompanied Migrant Children

August 10, 2022

KIND created the Child Migrant Return and Reintegration Program to ensure that returning children have the support and resources they need for safe return and…

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Family Separation Four Years In: Much More to Be Done

July 21, 2022

It’s been four years since that horrific summer when the previous Administration wrenched thousands of children from their parents’ arms and forcibly separated them under…

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KIND’s response to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

July 14, 2022

Read about how KIND is addressing the Ukraine refugee crisis and protecting children in Ukraine.

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