2017 Annual Report

October 11, 2018

KIND's Annual Report 2017

During these very difficult times for immigrants, refugees, and those who help them, I often think about the children KIND has helped gain U.S. protection over the years. To name a few: nine year-old Angela from El Salvador who fled gang violence; Marcos, 16, from Honduras, who was a victim of human trafficking; and 12-year-old Jonathan, also from Honduras, who never had an adult in his life who cared about him – until he met his KIND pro bono attorney. All have won their cases and can stay safely in the United States.

This is why we do this vital work. The children who come here seeking safety put their trust in us to protect them and make it possible for them to live a life free of fear and to enjoy a childhood. While so much is complex and unclear these days, KIND’s vision remains simple: no child should appear in immigration court alone.

Learn more about our 2017 accomplishments in the 2017 Annual Report.


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