We need solutions for children fleeing violence in Central America, the current system is failing

Op-ed The Hill Congress Blog Jen Podkul

President John Adams once observed that “facts are stubborn things.” Those words came to mind last week when United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP)…...

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Innovations in Pro Bono: Davis Wright Tremaine and Amazon

Law.com Recorder Staff

More than 130 attorneys and 50 staff at Amazon and Davis Wright Tremaine partnered with Kids in Need of Defense, or KIND, to form teams to represent…...

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Trump Administration Has Separated 1,556 More Migrant Children Than Previously Known

TIME Jasmine Aguilera

The Trump Administration revealed Thursday that an additional 1,556 children have been separated from their parents than previously reported, bringing the total number of family separations since July 2017 up to…...

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With political will, countries can meet needs of refugees, speakers say

CRUX Ben Griffin

NEW YORK – The plight of the world’s refugees will be solved by politics, not by appeals to conscience or awareness of the tremendous scope…...

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Here’s What to Know About the Status of Family Separation at the U.S. Border, Which Isn’t Nearly Over

TIME Jasmine Aguilera

Attorneys working on the ground along the southern U.S. border estimate nearly 1,000 children have been separated from their parents since the practice was declared over by the Trump Administration in…...

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Government Denies Attorneys to Immigrant Kids at California Shelter – ‘We Need Answers’

The Fresno Bee Kate Irby

The federal government is denying legal assistance to child migrants living at a Modesto shelter, according to advocates who worry the kids will suffer unnecessarily…...

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Trump Administration Is Not Funding Legal Aid In 3 Migrant Children’s Shelters

Huffington Post Angelina Chapin

The Trump administration is failing to fund legal services for detained immigrant children ― some under 5 years old ― in three shelters, HuffPost has…...

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Three Young Girls Were Separated at the Border from a Father with HIV

WNYC News Beth Fertig

Fourteen year-old Andrea remembers the last time she saw her father. They had just crossed the border near El Paso last November, together with her…...

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Trump is stripping immigrant children of protections, critics say. Supporters say he’s closing loopholes

Los Angeles Times Andrea Castillo

Last month, lawyers with Public Counsel, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), the Catholic Legal Immigration Network and the law firm Goodwin Procter sued to…...

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