Helping our child clients express themselves through creative arts

In May, KIND’s social services team partnered with Artolution’s “Jovenes en Movimiento” (Youth in Movement) for a 3-day online dance workshop with 10 KIND clients. …...

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Art as an Outlet for Clients in Seattle Amid Pandemic

The pandemic has hit KIND clients hard. KIND’s social services coordinators have seen the impact first-hand, and in Seattle, they were able to provide clients…...

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KIND Europe: May 2021 Program Update

To date, KIND and our European partners have assisted more than 540 children on the move in Europe from 29 countries. In this edition of…...

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A Return to Bipartisanship in Aid to Central America

Just over twenty years ago, I was a newly arrived Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras just months after Hurricane Mitch hit. I was shocked by…...

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KIND’s 2021 Gala: Supporters from Across the Country Come Together for Children Alone

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) hosted its annual gala, virtually this year, Coming Together for Children Alone, on Wednesday, April 7, 2021....

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KIND Mexico: One Year of Helping Children in Need at the U.S.-Mexico Border

It has been one year since the Trump Administration closed the border to asylum seekers and unaccompanied children. While the Biden Administration has announced that…...

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KIND México Helps Children Alone South of the U.S. Border

Today as we celebrate International Human Rights Day, we think about our work protecting children on the move around the world. Earlier this year, KIND…...

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Kids in Need of Defense Honors Volunteers Who Aid Separated Children

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) is honoring outstanding pro bono attorneys who are providing vital legal services to refugee and immigrant children who were…...

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Celebrating the Choice of Being an Active Citizen

Each year, communities around the country celebrate Welcoming Week, an opportunity to bring newcomers, immigrants or otherwise, and long-time residents of a town or city…...

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