CAM, or the Central American Minors Program, allows children in Central America to seek international protection and family reunification with a qualifying parent or legal guardian living in the United States.

Through CAM, parents and legal guardians can apply for qualifying children and certain family members in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to travel to the United States with refugee status. Those who are not granted refugee status may be able to apply for parole.

Through a generous grant from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, KIND is providing parents and legal guardians with free assistance to determine if they may be eligible for CAM, and if so, to prepare their applications for the program. KIND is partnering with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for this project.
If you would like to find out if you or someone you know may be eligible to apply for CAM, or if you are seeking help with a CAM application, you can refer your case to KIND online:

Refer a Case Now


Questions about the Central American Minors Program (CAM) process? Please see our resources for families and advocates to learn about who qualifies for CAM, the CAM process, the information required for the application, and Frequently Asked Questions.

February 2, 2023

CAM Application Program Information Sheet

CAM, or the Central American Minors Program, provides qualifying parents and legal guardians in the United States who are in certain immigration categories an opportunity to apply for their qualifying...

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February 2, 2023

CAM Application Program Checklist

Please use this checklist to confirm you have all the necessary documents and information for your CAM application. The CAM application cannot be completed without all the information below.

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February 2, 2023

CAM Application Program Process Map

This chart will help you understand the CAM Application Process, which has many steps and involves multiple actors.

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February 2, 2023

CAM Application Program Contact List

The CAM process involves multiple steps and actors. This Contact List is designed to help you figure out which organization to contact and when.

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October 17, 2023

Central American Minors Program (CAM) IRC and KIND Fact Sheet

For more information on the Central American Minors (CAM) program, who can file, and the CAM Hotline, view this helpful fact sheet created by KIND and IRC:

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November 27, 2023

Who can travel with a Qualifying Child under CAM?

Who can travel with a Qualifying Child under the Central American Minors Program (CAM)? Every CAM case must include a Qualifying Child, but other family may also be included. This infographic shows th...

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November 27, 2023

Are you are eligible for CAM?

Do you have a parent living in the United States? If you are under 21 and living in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras, you may be able to join your parent in the United States through the CAM Program...

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November 27, 2023

Is your child eligible for CAM?

Do you have a child under 21 living in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras? If so, you may be able to apply for your child to join you in the United States through the CAM Program!

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What is CAM and who is eligible?

Discover everything you need to know about the Central American Minors Application Program, including eligibility requirements, a detailed step-by-step process, tips to identify and avoid scams, and much more. Access our informative videos today for comprehensive information.

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Application Process FAQ

To apply for the Central American Minors Program (CAM), you must be a Qualifying Parent or Legal Guardian who is in the United States, over 18, and in a qualifying immigration category at the time your application is filed. Qualifying Parents must have at least one qualifying child who is a biological, step or legally adopted child, under 21, unmarried, and living in and a national of either El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras. Qualifying Legal Guardians can apply for a qualifying child under 21, unmarried, and living in and a national of either El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras. The qualifying immigration categories for parents and legal guardians are:  

  • Lawful permanent resident; 
  • Temporary Protected Status; 
  • Parole (for a minimum of one year); 
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 
  • Deferred action, non-DACA (for a minimum of one year); 
  • Deferred enforced departure (DED); 
  • Withholding of Removal; 
  • Pending asylum application filed on or before April 11, 2023
  • Pending U visa petition filed on or before April 11, 2023
  • Pending T visa petition filed on or before April 11, 2023

To see the full eligibility criteria, please visit or Certain family members can also apply for CAM along with your Qualifying Child.  

KIND can help you determine if you qualify to apply for the CAM program. Please submit a referral if you would like your case to be screened.  

CAM applications can only be submitted to the US government by a designated Resettlement Agency in the United States. The Resettlement Agencies are all non-profit organizations that work with the government on the CAM program. KIND is now supporting the Resettlement Agencies by preparing CAM applications. Parents and children cannot submit CAM applications to the government on their own, with lawyers or notarios, so you must contact KIND or a Resettlement Agency to start the application process.  

So how can you reach KIND for CAM assistance?   

  1. Submit a referral directly to KIND at KIND will call you back to screen your case and can place your case with a case worker to start your application if you may be eligible for CAM.  

For KIND to screen your case for CAM, you will have to provide detailed information about yourself and your family members. Before contacting KIND, please be ready to provide the following information:  

  • Your:  
    • Full name,  
    • Immigration category,  
    • Phone number,  
    • Address,  
    • Email address.  
  • Your child or children’s:  
    • Date of birth,  
    • Phone number, and  
    • Country of origin. 

For information about how to contact KIND or the CAM Hotline for eligibility screening and the information you will need to start a CAM application, please see “How Can I Start a CAM Application” above. If your family appears to qualify, KIND can help you prepare the CAM application form, which is called the Affidavit of Relationship or AOR. When the application is completed, KIND will send it back to a Resettlement Agency for review. The Resettlement Agency will then submit the application to the U.S. government 

The government will assign you a case number and a local Resettlement Agency, and will send your case to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Resettlement Support Center in Central America. Once IOM receives your case, they will contact your child for a pre-screening interview, as well as any other family members who are applying with your child. It is essential that all family members who are applying attend that interview.  

After that, if DNA testing is required to confirm parent-child biological relationships, your assigned Resettlement Agency will notify you when you must take a DNA test along with the relevant instructions for initiating the DNA test. The government will pay for the DNA tests. IOM will then collect DNA from your family members.  The DNA test results will be sent to both you and the U.S. government.  

If the DNA test is positive, the government will then conduct a series of security checks.  Once cleared, the IOM will schedule a refugee interview with a USCIS officer 

In this interview, the USCIS officer will ask your child and other family members about threats or persecution that they have experienced, or their fear of threats or persecution. Your child and certain other family members must all individually prove their refugee claims. Again, it is essential that all family members who are applying with your child attend the interview.  

After the interview, the USCIS officer will then determine if your family members are eligible for refugee status or if they will be considered for parole, or if they will be denied.  Refugee status claims are very complex, and it may take a long time for the USICS officer to make a decision about their cases.  

If your child and other family members are granted refugee status, the IOM will notify them of the decision. They will receive medical exams and undergo other background checks. At that point, the government will also confirm that your U.S. immigration category is still valid.  

When these steps are completed, your Resettlement Agency will provide your family with a cultural orientation prior to their travel. The RSC will then receive final travel clearances from the government, and will organize your family members’ travel to the U.S. Your Resettlement Agency will provide you with refugee reception and placement services for a period of three months.  

If your child and other family members are granted parole, parole will provide a temporary stay of up to 3 years in the United States. Those approved for parole can also apply for work authorization while they are in the U.S. If you are granted parole, we recommend that you contact the CAM Hotline for further guidance, at USA: 917 410 7546, Central America: +503 2113 3539, or by email at 

If your child or family members are denied refugee status and considered for parole, you can request that the decision be reviewed and reconsidered for refugee status. 

No. There is no fee to submit the initial CAM application (Affidavit of Relationship or AOR) for the CAM program, and no one is allowed to charge you money to complete the CAM application. If someone asks you for money for a CAM application, do not pay them or provide them with your information. You can report fraud to the CAM Hotline at USA: 917 410 7546, Central America: +503 2113 3539, or send an email to  

Please remember, there is no charge to fill out the CAM application. HOWEVER, please be aware that there can be some costs to you if your case is approved with CAM parole towards the end of the process. If your case is approved for CAM Parole, you will have to cover the costs of your family’s medical exams and plane tickets. You will receive instructions about these costs from the International Organization for Migration, IOM, which is the Resettlement Support Center in the CAM process, if your case is approved for parole.  

FAQ Videos

Visit KIND's YouTube Channel

For more information, visit KIND’s YouTube Chanel to watch our full series of videos in:

Contact Us

Have additional questions about the CAM application process? You can contact KIND at:

+1 (855) 477-9998


KIND’s Central American Minors (CAM) Application Program is funded through a gift of the United States Government.

KIND thanks the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for its support.