The Impact of the Asylum Ban on Children Seeking Safety in the United States

May 26, 2023


The Biden Administration has implemented a new border policy that imposes severe restrictions on the ability of asylum seekers to seek safety in the United States. This policy not only affects families and adults traveling alone but also poses potential risks to the safety of unaccompanied children. By introducing these restrictive measures, the new policies have created a more precarious and unstable environment for anyone attempting to seek protection at the border.

Under the new policy, individuals may be deemed ineligible for asylum if they have traveled through another country without applying for and receiving a denial of asylum or any other form of protection there. Additionally, they must have permission to travel to the border through an approved parole process or present at a designated port of entry with a scheduled appointment via the “CBP One” mobile device app. Failure to meet these requirements may result in their ineligibility to apply for asylum. However, individuals who can demonstrate that these requirements should not apply to them or meet one of the exceptions may still be eligible to apply.

The Impact of the Asylum Ban on Children:

The rule will put children, families, and others seeking safety at greater risk of harm.  

The ban will likely lead to more family separations.

The ban is inconsistent with U.S. and international law.

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