Escalating Threats to Unaccompanied Children in Gaza Underpin Need for Immediate Permanent Ceasefire

August 27, 2024

Washington, DC –  In response to ongoing reports of the more than 19,000 Palestinian children left unaccompanied or orphaned in Gaza, and the reality that ongoing attacks are expected to result in a dramatic increase in the number of children who are left alone and internally displaced by violence, Kids in Need of Defense President Wendy Young today issued the following statement:

“The reporting by UNICEF, IRC, and other organizations operating within Gaza highlights the relentless and devastating threat to the lives and well-being of unaccompanied children there and underscores the need for an immediate ceasefire and the return of all hostages being held by Hamas. An exponential and rapidly-growing number of children in Gaza lack access to safe shelter, potable drinking water, healthcare, and other essential lifesaving services, which compounds the danger and severe trauma they have experienced living in an active war zone that too often has resulted in the loss of family members and other loved ones. Without an immediate halt to the violent attacks that have claimed thousands of lives, including those of children, the catastrophic loss of life in Gaza will escalate. The severe impact on the lives of all Palestinian children in Gaza will be felt for generations as will the horrific violence inflicted by Hamas on Israeli and other citizens killed and held hostage. Governments must invest in humanitarian and sustainable protection solutions that put children and their right to safety, family, and wellbeing first. Ultimately, a permanent peace agreement is the best outcome to ensure the protection of all Palestinians, including children.”   


Media Contact: Megan McKenna,, 202-631-9990