Honoring KIND's Pro Bono Partners

We all have a responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Kurt Hansson, Global Vice-Chairman of Paul Hastings LLP

Make a Difference in a Child’s Life


Become a KIND Pro Bono Attorney

KIND’s Pro Bono Attorney program is at the core of our work. We recruit volunteer lawyers from law firms, corporations, law schools, and bar associations and provide them with training, mentorship, and other resources to represent children. KIND pro bono attorneys work directly with children to help them build their cases, gain valuable courtroom experience, and develop expertise in a unique area of law. No immigration experience is necessary. Each pro bono attorney is assigned a KIND attorney for the duration of their case who provides guidance on case strategy, feedback on drafts, mock adjudications, samples, and checklists.

If you are interested in becoming a pro bono attorney, please fill out a brief form by clicking on the button below.

Become a Pro Bono Attorney

If your organization is interested in supporting KIND’s pro bono program through a partnership, please email KIND by clicking on the button below.

Become a Pro Bono Partner


For job or internship inquiries, visit our jobs page here.

What You Need to Know

Hear More from Our Attorneys

"The impact that we have on these children’s lives is tremendous. There is never a “right” time to take on pro bono work, especially as an attorney at a big law firm, but my KIND cases have been the most rewarding in my seven years of practicing law. I will never forget my client’s excitement and relief after obtaining custody and SIJS orders from the D.C. Superior Court, and, more recently, after receiving his green card in the mail. It’s moments like these that prompted me to become an attorney in the first place. "
Lucille “Lucy” Bartholomew Covington & Burling LLP
"Helping the clients in these cases, the children themselves, is really what I am passionate about. These kids are caught in the crossfire of this very dangerous and daunting situation in their home countries and the political strife around immigration in this country. But these are just two young girls who are trying to have a safe childhood with a loving family member, just like any other kids would."
Kira Hettinger Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC
"We all have a responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves."
Kurt Hansson Global Vice-Chairman of Paul Hastings LLP
"While the family and Layla won this asylum case because of their ability to tell their story, without attorneys, they wouldn’t have known the stories to tell and the importance of the experiences they had, I don’t think she would have had a shot without an attorney."
Elaine Blais Goodwin Procter LLP
"These kids have nothing else — they don’t have any safety net — we are that safety net…As a lawyer it was an extremely rewarding experience to know that you have a direct impact on helping someone, on changing and molding that person’s life’s story. It really doesn’t get any more rewarding than that."
Buck Dixon Troutman Sanders LLP
"There is a reason why all these children are fleeing their countries to come to the United States and personally think that reason is hope"
Ryan Richman Associate at McCarter & English LLP

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