Boy holding his hands behind his head and smiling

KIND & Generous Society

Accept the KIND challenge and start your monthly, recurring gift today!

As an Advocate of KINDness, you will:

  • Join a global community committed to child protection and justice;
  • Ensure free legal representation for immigrant and refugee children for the duration of their case;
  • Connect children and families with much-needed social services, such as mental health counseling;
  • Advocate for fair and compassionate policies that protect refugee children throughout their journey; and
  • Enjoy seamless monthly donations that go to work immediately.

Monthly donations help KIND to guarantee there are no gaps in representation or services for our child clients. Just $25 each month can match one of our clients with an attorney for free legal representation! Any amount helps provide continued protection and safety to a vulnerable child.

If you already have a monthly commitment, you can manage your donation here.

Donate Monthly

Voices from our KIND & Generous Society

"Because these children deserve a voice."
"D.", donor from California
"Even if you feel overwhelmed by an atmosphere of hate in America, I hope you always remember that here are countless people thinking about you every day, admiring your resilience and hoping for your speedy and successful transition into this country we call home."
“A”, donor from Washington State
"I have a toddler and I cannot imagine the trauma if my little one was separated from me and detained without her parents. I am donating because no child should suffer like this."
"J.", donor from California
"I donated because my grandparents immigrated to this country seeking a better life."
"J.", donor from New Jersey
"Because no one would be fleeing their homes, leaving everything they know behind if their lives didn’t depend on it, and they deserve a chance for a better life."
"A.", donor from Illinois
"Because these children deserve a voice."
"D.", donor from California
"Even if you feel overwhelmed by an atmosphere of hate in America, I hope you always remember that here are countless people thinking about you every day, admiring your resilience and hoping for your speedy and successful transition into this country we call home."
“A”, donor from Washington State
"I have a toddler and I cannot imagine the trauma if my little one was separated from me and detained without her parents. I am donating because no child should suffer like this."
"J.", donor from California
"I donated because my grandparents immigrated to this country seeking a better life."
"J.", donor from New Jersey
"Because no one would be fleeing their homes, leaving everything they know behind if their lives didn’t depend on it, and they deserve a chance for a better life."
"A.", donor from Illinois