Axell’s Journey: Surviving, Dreaming, and Finding a New Beginning

September 22, 2024

At just 15 years old, Axell made the difficult decision to leave his home in Honduras, hoping for a safer future in the United States. Growing up, the constant threat of gangs cast a shadow over his community. “The streets over there are different,” Axell recalls. “You can’t just go around in the dark and expect nothing to happen to you.” Despite the dangers, Axell carried with him a childhood dream—to one day see snow. On the day he arrived in Texas, that dream came true. “It was snowing, and I was like, ‘What? Is this how it is every day here?’ It was cold. I never experienced something like that.”

Axell’s life changed in every way after arriving in the United States. He marveled at the kindness of those who welcomed him. “They treated us like their kids,” he said, recalling how he and his family were provided with food and care. As he settled into school, the contrasts between life in Honduras and the U.S. became even more apparent. “In Honduras, you don’t get lunch at school, but here in Houston, we got lunch, books, computers—everything was different.”

They treated us like their kids.

One of the most striking differences was how much his teachers cared. “Besides your parents, I feel like the teachers are the people who want the best for you,” Axell shared. One teacher in particular pushed him to succeed, despite the language barrier. “She would stop me in the middle of class and tell me, ‘Don’t let English stop you. I know you can do this.’” Those moments of encouragement fueled Axell’s determination, helping him graduate in the top 30 of his class.

Axell found joy in learning, particularly in history and math. He fondly remembers carrying a small notebook to jot down unfamiliar words to translate later, a practice that helped him become fluent in English within two years. “You can call it nerdy, but it worked for me,” he said with a smile.

Throughout his journey, Axell found unwavering support from KIND, especially from his attorney, Gerard. “Where would I be without my lawyer? I don’t know. That’s why I’m always grateful,” he reflected. KIND’s support didn’t just help him navigate the legal system—it gave him hope and kept him focused on his goals. “They told me, ‘Don’t give up. It will take time, but just stay in touch and be a good person.’”

Where would I be without my lawyer? I don’t know. That’s why I’m always grateful.

Today, Axell works as a bartender, but he has dreams of returning to school to pursue a degree in civil engineering. In his free time, he enjoys playing sports, going to the gym, and exploring new cuisines. “I love trying different foods at restaurants,” he shared.

When asked what advice he’d give to others facing similar challenges, Axell’s message is simple but powerful: “Don’t give up. And if you come across KIND, believe me—it’s the best thing that could happen to you.”

Axell’s story is a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of community. With KIND’s support, he transformed his life and continues to inspire others to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles.

Don’t give up. And if you come across KIND, believe me—it’s the best thing that could happen to you.