New Law Expands Protections for Immigrant Youth in DC

July 25, 2024

Washington, D.C. The District of Columbia expanded protections for young immigrant survivors of abuse, abandonment, and neglect ages 18 to 21 with the enactment of the Vulnerable Youth Guardianship Protection Act on July 19. The legislation allows eligible immigrant youth to have an appointed guardian up to age 21, opening new pathways to securing legal status. 

“Vulnerable immigrant youth in Washington, DC, have a new lifeline,” said KIND Senior Policy Analyst Emma Israel. “Thanks to the law, young immigrant survivors between 18 and 21 will now be able to access the protection they need and deserve. They will be able to live in safety and have a chance to fulfill their dreams and potential.” 

“The Vulnerable Youth Guardianship Protection Act of 2023 provides life-changing benefits to immigrant youth in D.C. who are 18 to 21 years old,” said Jen Jenkins, Policy Manager, Legal Aid DC.  “The new law protects these youth and increases their likelihood of accessing education and health benefits. We are grateful to the D.C. Council and our partners for helping us make this path to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status a reality.” 

The Vulnerable Youth Guardianship Protection Act brings Washington, D.C., in line with the federal government and closes a gap that prevented youth ages 18-21 from being able to apply for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) a humanitarian visa.  

Under federal law, an immigrant survivor of abuse, abandonment and neglect who is in the custody of an individual or entity can apply for SIJS up to age 21. In D.C., however, the court system previously had no way of appointing a guardian for youth over 18 unless they were already in D.C. Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) custody or previously determined to be neglected by the court. In practice, that cut off many youth ages 18-21 from being able to apply for SIJS.  

Now, the D.C. family court can appoint a legal guardian for immigrant youth 18-21, not only promoting stability but also closing this gap to the protections of SIJS. 

Learn more about the Vulnerable Youth Guardianship Protection Act:   

  • Bill Text:  


Media Contact: Megan McKenna,, 202-631-9990