September 6, 2024
This tip sheet is designed for parents, teachers, and the wider community who want to make their schools a more welcoming place for newcomers, including unaccompanied children. It shares lessons learned and recommendations from KIND’s vast experience helping unaccompanied children with their legal and social services needs, including helping them enroll and succeed in school. For recommendations for administrators, school districts, and individual schools, or to learn more about unaccompanied children, click here.
A positive educational experience shapes the lives of children and ultimately the communities where they live. Newcomer children, including unaccompanied children, face many barriers in accessing and succeeding in school and can miss vital educational opportunities as a result. Everyone in the community can help to make newcomer children feel welcome and thrive. In turn, newcomer children and families have much to share about their own lives and culture that enriches the community and the learning experience.